寶塚歌劇 月組Takarazuka Bow Hall公演
Date: Saturday, March 20, 2021 from 14:30 in Hong Kong and Taiwan Time
- Movie Theater

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寶塚歌劇 月組Takarazuka Bow Hall公演『幽靈刑警』現場直播 香港上映決定!
寶塚歌劇 月組Takarazuka Bow Hall公演『幽靈刑警』決定舉行現場直播!
寶塚歌劇 月組Takarazuka Bow Hall公演『幽靈刑警』現場直播
Takarazuka Revue Moon Troupe Takarazuka Bow Hall Performance “Yurei Deka” Live Broadcast
2021年3月20日(六)14:30 開演(香港・台灣時間)
Date: Saturday, March 20, 2021 from 14:30 in Hong Kong and Taiwan Time
Venue: Movie Theaters in Hong Kong and Taiwan
※for domestic:https://liveviewing.jp/contents/yuureideka/
※注意事項 Attention
• 由於版權原因,某些部分可能會省略。
Due to copyright reasons, some parts may be omitted.
• 活動現場嚴禁攝影,拍照,錄音。如經查獲,將刪除拍攝內容並請您離場,謝謝您的合作。
It is strictly prohibited to photograph or take any audio/visual records whatsoever in the theaters.If someone does such a prohibited act, we will delete the data and make him/her leave the theater. Thank you for your cooperation.
• 因本活動為現場直播,音質和畫質會因網絡状況等因素,而受到一定程度的干擾,敬請見諒。
Please note that video and audio may be affected due to the line conditions.
• 當演出時間大幅超過預期,直播會有可能在中途結束,敬請見諒。
Please note that the screening might be terminated even before the show ends if the show continues much later than the scheduled end time.
■Takarazuka Revue Official Site(繁体中文): http://takarazukarevue.tw/
■寶塚歌劇團 台灣官方網頁: https://www.facebook.com/TakarazukaRevue.tw/
Planned and Produced by Takarazuka Creative Arts
Distributed by LIVE VIEWING JAPAN Inc.
©宝塚歌劇団 ©TAKARAZUKA Creative Arts
About the Live Broadcast
Based on a request from the Government Task Force following the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we may consider and discuss the holding of the Live Broadcast depending on the situation. Thank you for your understanding.
寶塚歌劇月組於2021年3月20日(六),Takarazuka Bow Hall(兵庫縣)公演Bow Play『幽靈刑警』 ,將於日本、香港及台灣的電影院舉行現場直播。
融合了愛情與懸疑的「幽靈刑警」是有栖川有栖的代表作。這部令人心動的音樂劇將在珠城りょう(Ryo Tamaki)充滿回憶的Takarazuka Bow Hall隆重登場。
此作品由石田昌也編寫及導演。不知為何突然被老闆槍殺而成為鬼魂、由珠城りょう(Ryo Tamaki)所飾演的刑警―神崎,與為了追查事件真相並擁有靈媒體質的警察學院舊同學刑警・早川篤,幽靈刑警和靈媒刑警所組成的“最強組合?”聯手展開調查。
On Saturday, March 20, 2021, Takarazuka Bow Hall (Hyogo) performance “Yurei Deka” will be live broadcasted to movie theaters in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
A masterpiece “Yurei Deka” by Alice Arisugawa, a fusion of love and mystery. This heartwarming musical will be performed in Takarazuka Bow Hall that Ryo Tamaki has fond memories of this theater.
Written and directed by Masaya Ishida. Tatsuya Kanzaki, a detective, was suddenly shot dead by boss without a reason and became a ghost who played by Ryo Tamaki, cooperate with his old police academy school mate, Atsushi Hayakawa who can communicate with ghost to team up the “strongest combination?” of the ghost detective and the spirit medium detective to launch an investigation.
Please look forward to a heart-warming story with laughter and tears while being a mystery.
Bow Play
“Yurei Deka”
Original by Alice Arisugawa(幻冬舎文庫刊「[新版]幽霊刑事」) Written and directed by Masaya Ishida
Tatsuya Kanzaki, a detective at the Tomoe police station, was suddenly shot dead by his boss on the beach at night … but he was about to get married and had no idea why he was killed. He could not make Buddhahood and became a ghost, and suffer from emptiness because neither his mother nor his fiance Sumako Mori can see himself, but only Aomori-born, his old police academy school mate, a detective, Atsushi Hayakawa, who draws the blood of Itako, can saw and heard Kanzaki. Kanzaki tells Hayakawa, who can only communicate, the outline of the case, and team up the “strongest combination?” of the ghost detective and the spirit medium detective to launch an investigation. However, the resolution of the case also meant that Kanzaki said goodbye to the world and ascended to heaven. “For a loved one, disappearing is also love.”
Takarazuka Revue Moon Troupe
Ryo Tamaki and more
Venue List/Ticket
Area | Cinema | Ticketing Information |
Ticket on sale (Local Time) |
Hong Kong | Movie Town | Click Here | Mar 5 12:00 (Fri) |
Taiwan | Vie Show Cinemas Taipei Hsin Yi | Ticket Window VIESHOW Official Website VIESHOW CINEMAS Mobile App |
Feb 26 12:00 (Fri) |
Vie Show Cinemas Kaohsiung FE21 |