寶塚歌劇 月組東京寶塚劇場公演『WELCOME TO TAKARAZUKA ─雪與月和花─』『皮加勒隨想曲』千秋樂 現場直播
Date: Sunday, January 3, 2021 from 12:30 in Taiwan Time
- Movie Theater

Important Notices
【香港現場直播取消事宜・Cancellation of the Live Broadcast in Hong Kong】
因應香港特區政府最新公佈之預防及控制疾病條例之指引, 全線MCL戲院將由2020年12月2日(三)起暫停營業至2021年1月6日(三)。因此,我們會取消原定於2021年1月3日之現場直播。
Following the HKSAR Government’s latest announcement regarding Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance, all MCL cinemas will be temporarily closed from 2 Dec 2020 (Wed) until 6 Jan 2021 (Wed). Therefore, the live viewing on 3 January, 2021 will be cancelled.
If you have any enquiries, please contact MCL Cinemas directly. We apologize for the inconvenience.
What's New
香港現場直播取消事宜・Cancellation of the Live Broadcast in Hong Kong
香港售票日延期事宜・Postponement of the ticketing in Hong Kong
寶塚歌劇 月組東京寶塚劇場公演『WELCOME TO TAKARAZUKA ─雪與月和花─』『皮加勒隨想曲』千秋樂已決定於香港及台灣舉行現場直播!
寶塚歌劇 月組東京寶塚劇場公演
『WELCOME TO TAKARAZUKA ─雪與月和花─』『皮加勒隨想曲』千秋樂 現場直播
2021年1月3日(日)12:30 開演(台灣時間)
Date: Sunday, January 3, 2021 from 12:30 in Taiwan Time
Venue: Movie Theaters in Taiwan
※注意事項 Attention
• 由於版權原因,某些部分可能會省略。
Due to copyright reasons, some parts may be omitted.
• 活動現場嚴禁攝影,拍照,錄音。如經查獲,將刪除拍攝內容並請您離場,謝謝您的合作。
It is strictly prohibited to photograph or take any audio/visual records whatsoever in the theaters.If someone does such a prohibited act, we will delete the data and make him/her leave the theater. Thank you for your cooperation.
• 因本活動為現場直播,音質和畫質會因網絡状況等因素,而受到一定程度的干擾,敬請見諒。
Please note that video and audio may be affected due to the line conditions.
• 當演出時間大幅超過預期,直播會有可能在中途結束,敬請見諒。
Please note that the screening might be terminated even before the show ends if the show continues much later than the scheduled end time.
■Takarazuka Revue Official Site(繁体中文): http://takarazukarevue.tw/
■寶塚歌劇團 台灣官方網頁: https://www.facebook.com/TakarazukaRevue.tw/
Planned and Produced by Takarazuka Creative Arts
Distributed by LIVE VIEWING JAPAN Inc.
©宝塚歌劇団 ©TAKARAZUKA Creative Arts
About the Live Broadcast
Based on a request from the Government Task Force following the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we may consider and discuss the holding of the Live Broadcast depending on the situation. Thank you for your understanding.
※【Do you know Takarazuka Revue?】>> Click Here
※【什麼是寶塚歌舞劇?】>> Click Here
The performance at Tokyo Takarazuka Theater (Tokyo) on Sunday, January 3, 2021, last performance of JAPAN TRADITIONAL REVUE “WELCOME TO TAKARAZUKA”, Musical “A Farce in Pigalle” -Based upon Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night- will be live broadcasted to movie theaters in Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
JAPAN TRADITIONAL REVUE “WELCOME TO TAKARAZUKA-Snow, Moon, and Flowers-” is a Japan unique to Takarazuka Revue, which is composed by comparing the beauty of nature in four season and the feelings born from snow, moon, and flowers. The charm of Japanese dance in Western music, which is a tradition of Takarazuka Revue, will be unfolded with the classic masterpieces that is still loved by people of all over the world.
Furthermore, Tamasaburo Bando, who is active in various stages beyond the framework of the Kabuki world, will supervise the Takarazuka Revue for the first time, and with special guest Yuri Matsumoto from Superior Members.
Musical “A Farce in Pigalle” -Based upon Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night- introduces the world of “Twelve Nights”, which is the most famous masterpiece of Shakespeare’s comedy. In 1900, the red light district Pigalle located at the foot of Montmartre in Paris. A musical that skillfully interweaves real people who were active at the time.
The stage is set at the Moulin Rouge, a music hall that still stands in Pigalle to this day. By sheer happenstance, a number of men and women hiding various secrets come together in this music hall that is so iconic of this era. This festive drama brings together an interplay of romantic love and the intertwined and conflicting feelings of these men and women in a lively and entertaining, and most of all romantic, milieu. Together with the story of their love, another spectacular aspect of this piece is the revue scenes beautifully portraying the gorgeous and elegant world of the cabaret. The stage will come to life with the brilliant elegances that can only be experienced at Takarazuka Revue.
Please enjoy the traditional Japanese review of the Takarazuka Revue and the lively festival drama that is drawn with historical facts and creations at a movie theater near you.
Supervised by Tamasaburo Bando
Written and directed by Shinji Ueda
“A Farce in Pigalle” – Based upon Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night –
Written and directed by Ryo Harada
Takarazuka Revue
(Moon Troupe)Ryo Tamaki、Sakura Misono and more
寶塚歌劇 月組於2021年1月3日(日)東京寶塚劇場(東京都)上演的JAPAN TRADITIONAL REVUE『WELCOME TO TAKARAZUKA ─雪與月和花─』,音樂劇『皮加勒隨想曲』〜改編自莎士比亞原作「第十二夜」〜的千秋樂,將於日本、香港及台灣的影院舉行現場直播。
『WELCOME TO TAKARAZUKA ─雪與月和花─』是寶塚歌劇獨有的日本,它通過四季的自然之美以及從大自然的雪、月和花的感受而編成,專屬寶塚歌劇的日本傳統歌舞劇。作為寶塚歌劇的傳統,日本舞蹈在西方音樂中的魅力將與仍深受世界各地人們喜愛的經典傑作一起展現。
Venue List/Ticket
Area | Cinema | Ticketing Information |
Ticket on sale (Local Time) |
*Cancelled* |
Taiwan | Vie Show Cinemas Taipei Hsin Yi | Ticket Window VIESHOW Official Website VIESHOW CINEMAS Mobile App |
Dec 11 12:00 (Fri) |
Vie Show Cinemas Kaohsiung FE21 |