寳塚歌劇 宙組東京寳塚劇場公演千秋樂
「芹香斗亜(Toa Serika)LAST DAY」
Sunday, April 27, 2025 from 12:30 Start in Hong Kong and Taiwan Time
- Movie Theater

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17:00 Updated
寳塚歌劇 宙組東京寳塚劇場公演千秋樂「芹香斗亜(Toa Serika)LAST DAY」 劇場資訊現已公開!
10:30 Updated
寳塚歌劇 宙組東京寳塚劇場公演千秋樂「芹香斗亜(Toa Serika)LAST DAY」 決定舉行現場直播!
寳塚歌劇 宙組東京寳塚劇場公演千秋樂「芹香斗亞 (Toa Serika) LAST DAY」現場直播
Takarazuka Revue Cosmos Troupe Tokyo Takarazuka Theater Last Performance “Toa Serika LAST DAY” Live Viewing
Sunday, April 27, 2025 from 12:30 in Hong Kong and Taiwan Time
Venue: Movie Theaters in Hong Kong and Taiwan
*《Razzle Dazzle(拉兹爾 达兹爾)》以中文字幕呈現
*“Razzle Dazzle” presented with Chinese subtitles
・It is strictly prohibited to photograph or take any audio/visual records whatsoever in the theaters.
If someone does such a prohibited act, we will delete the data and make him/her leave the theater. Thank you for your cooperation.
・Please note that video and audio may be affected due to the line conditions.
・Please note that the screening might be terminated even before the show ends if the show continues much later than the scheduled end time.
■Takarazuka Revue Official Site(繁体中文): http://takarazukarevue.tw/
■寶塚歌劇團 台灣官方網頁: https://www.facebook.com/TakarazukaRevue.tw/
Planned and Produced by Takarazuka Creative Arts
Distributed by LIVE VIEWING JAPAN Inc.
©宝塚歌劇団 ©TAKARAZUKA Creative Arts
寶塚歌劇團 宙組Top Star芹香斗亞 (Toa Serika) 的告別舞台
寶塚歌劇團宙組將於2025年4月27日(週日)在東京寶塚劇場(東京都)上演 宙組頂級明星芹香斗亞的退團公演《芹香斗亞LAST DAY》,並將在香港,台灣地區的電影院進行現場直播。
因失戀而悲嘆「再也不會吟詠愛情之歌……」的傷心歌人——藤原定家,面前出現了一位神秘人物。隨後,定家踏上了一段通往無數愛情詩篇的奇幻旅程……。本次演出將承襲寶塚歌劇110年歷史所孕育的日本傳統風格,並傳承至未來。華麗優美的 日本風格歌舞秀《寶塚110年的戀之歌》,以及設定在象徵「華麗喧囂、混亂與欺瞞」的夜總會 《Razzle Dazzle(拉茲爾·達茲爾)》,講述了主人公在拼命追逐「虛假的愛」過程中,最終領悟「真正的愛」的溫暖。
本公演是宙組Top Star 芹香斗亞的告別演出,她將於東京寶塚劇場千秋樂後正式退團。除正式演出外,現場還將完整播出珍貴的告別秀及退團者致辭,不容錯過。
敬請前往您附近的影院,欣賞宙組Top Star芹香斗亞的告別舞台!
The final stage of Takarazuka Revue’s Cosmos Troupe top star, Toa Serika,
including the farewell show and farewell speech, will be broadcast live in movie theaters across Taiwan and Hong Kong!
On Sunday, April 27, 2025, at Tokyo Takarazuka Theater (Tokyo), Takarazuka Revue’s Cosmos Troupe will present “Toa Serika Last Day”, the final performance of Cosmos Troupe Top Star Toa Serika, who will be retiring from the Takarazuka Revue. This special performance will be broadcast live in movie theaters across Hong Kong and Taiwan.
The performance features two spectacular productions:
In “Takarazuka 110 Years of Love Songs”, the heartbroken poet Fujiwara no Teika, lamenting his lost love and vowing never to compose another love poem, encounters a mysterious figure. This meeting sets him on a journey through a wondrous world filled with countless love poems. This elegant and dazzling Japanese-style revue embraces the traditions that have shaped Takarazuka Revue’s 110-year history and carries them forward into the future.
Meanwhile, “Razzle Dazzle” takes place in a glamorous nightclub of the same name, symbolizing “glittering chaos, confusion, and deception.” The story follows a protagonist who is desperately chasing “false love”, only to discover the meaning of “true love” in this heartfelt and comedic production.
This final performance marks Toa Serika’s farewell from the Takarazuka Revue after the Tokyo Takarazuka Theater’s closing show. In addition to the main performance, the screening will include a special farewell show and the retirement speeches, ensuring that every moment of this significant occasion is shared with the audience.
Don’t miss the last stage of Cosmos Troupe Top Star Toa Serika—experience this unforgettable performance at a movie theater near you!
劇本、導演/大野 拓史
「Razzle Dazzle(拉茲爾 達茲爾)」
劇本、導演/田渕 大輔
〈宙組〉芹香 斗亞、春乃 さくら 及其他
※【什麼是寶塚歌舞劇?】>>Click Here
Takarazuka Revue 110th Anniversary Commemorative Performance
“110 Years of Takarazuka Love Songs”
Written and directed by Takuji Ono
Jazz Slapstick
“Razzle Dazzle”
Written and directed by Daisuke Tabuchi
Takarazuka Revue
Cosmos Troupe: Toa Serika, Sakura Haruno, and more
※【Do you know Takarazuka Revue?】>>Click Here
Venue List/Ticket
Area | Cinema | Ticket on sale (Local Time) |
Hong Kong | MCL Movie Town | Mar.28 12:00(Fri) HKtime |
Taiwan | Vie Show Cinemas Taipei Hsin Yi | Mar.28 12:00(Fri) TWtime |
Vie Show Cinemas Taichung Taroko Mall | ||
Vie Show Cinemas Kaosiung FE21 |