Fantasy on Ice 2022 Live Viewing
- Movie Theater

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19:00 Updated
Fantasy on Ice 2022 Live Viewing is confirmed in Taiwan!
Fantasy on Ice 2022 Live Viewing
Sunday, June 19, 2022 12:00 Start (TW Time)
Movie theaters in Japan and Taiwan
There are no subtitles for this Live Viewing. Thanks for your understanding.
Fantasy on Ice Official Website / 官方網頁:
Organized by / 主辦(神戸公演):株式会社CIC、株式会社キョードー、株式会社サンライズプロモーション北陸、 関西テレビ放送、産経新聞社
Distributor/發行: Live Viewing Japan
Bringing together the performances of world skating masters!
First Live viewing will be held in movie theaters in Taiwan!
It has been confirmed that “Fantasy on Ice 2022 in KOBE” to be held at Kobe World Memorial Hall (Hyogo Prefecture) will be live viewing at movie theaters in Taiwan on Sunday, June 19, 2022.
“Fantasy on Ice” is a “legendary ice show” where top-class skaters who are active in the Olympics and world championships present you a gorgeous entertainment.
In a splendid collaboration with artists, the powerful singing voice of the live resonates with the beautiful sliding of skaters, drawing you into a dream world that does not seem to belong to the real world.
It is our honor to present to you, for the first-time live viewing of performance of world skating masters including Yuzuru HANYU. Please enjoy this magnificence ice show in front of the big screen in the movie theater!
於2022年6月19日(日)在Kobe World Memorial Hall(兵庫縣)舉辦的「Fantasy on Ice 2022 in KOBE」已決定在台灣的電影院進行現場直播。
「Fantasy on Ice」是一場匯集活躍於奧運會和世錦賽的頂級滑冰選手齊聚一堂,為您獻上既華麗又富娛樂性的說傳的滑冰秀。
<Performer in KOBE / 神戸公演演出者>
◆Skaters / 滑冰選手
羽生 結弦(Yuzuru HANYU)、織田 信成(Nobunari ODA)、田中 刑事(Keiji TANAKA)、
ステファン・ランビエル(Stephane LAMBIEL)、ハビエル・フェルナンデス(Javier FERNANDEZ)、ジェフリー・バトル(Jeffrey BUTTLE) 、
ジョニー・ウィア(Johnny WEIR)、ジェイソン・ブラウン(Jason BROWN)、エラジ・バルデ(Elladj BALDE) 、
荒川 静香(Shizuka ARAKAWA)、坂本 花織(Kaori SAKAMOTO)、三原 舞依(Mai MIHARA)、 宮原 知子(Satoko MIYAHARA)、
ガブリエラ・パパダキス(Gabriella PAPADAKIS)、ギヨーム・シゼロン(Guillaume CIZERON)、
アンナ・カッペリーニ(Anna CAPPELLINI)、ルカ・ラノッテ(Luca LANOTTE) 、アクロバット(Acrobat)、エアリアル(Flying on Ice)
◆Artist / 藝術家
新妻聖子(Seiko Niizuma)、NAOTO、宮川大聖(Taisei Miyakawa)
Venue List/Ticket
Area | Cinema | Ticketing Information |
Ticket on sale (Local Time) |
Taiwan |
Vie Show Cinemas Taipei Hsin Yi | Ticket Window VIESHOW Official Website VIESHOW CINEMAS Mobile App |
Jun 13 12:00 (Mon)
For additional screen |
Vie Show Cinemas Taipei Qsquare NEW!! Additional screen is confirmed!! |
Vie Show Cinemas Taoyuan Tonlin |
Vie Show Cinemas Taichung Tiger City | |||
Vie Show Cinemas Tainan FE21 |
Vie Show Cinemas Kaohsiung FE21 |
※After you have purchased the ticket, you cannot change it or ask for a refund regardless of the circumstances. Please keep this in mind before applying.
※Purchasing, transferring or reselling tickets for profit (online auctions, ticket sale sites, ticket shops, etc.) is strictly prohibited under all circumstances.
※It is strictly prohibited to take any audio/video/photo with camera, mobile phone or any other devices of the streaming screen. In addition, you may be subject to criminal penalties for uploading and sharing it online without permission. If such an act is performed at the movie theater, you will be asked to delete the recorded contents before leaving. In that case, the ticket will not be refunded.
※When you purchase a ticket from a ticket agency, various fees may be applied in addition to the ticket fee itself.
※Ticket agency membership registration (free of charge) is required before you buy a ticket from the webpage.
※Please note that, same as a show, some audiences may applaud inside the theater during the event.
※Please note that the screening might be terminated even before the show ends if the show continues much later than the scheduled end time.
※Please note that because this is live broadcast, video and audio may be affected due to the line conditions.
※Please note that the recording and media coverage may take photos or videos inside the theaters.
※Depending on the movie theater, there may be restrictions on eating and drinking inside.
※Please check the homepage of the movie theater <When visiting the movie theater> <Attention for visiting the movie theaters> <Request for viewing etiquette> and follow their rules of watching the live viewing. Please be aware of this before purchasing a ticket and participating.
【When visiting the movie theater】
・If you fall under any of the following, please refrain from visiting the movie theater.
・If you have a fever (the prescribed body temperature varies depending on each movie theater), headache, cough, general pain, fatigue, etc.
・If you have close contact with a person found to be positive for the new coronavirus infection, or suspected infection of a family member or a close acquaintance
・If you have visited a country/region where the infection has continued to spread within the past two weeks
【Attention for visiting the movie theaters】
※Please wear a mask when visiting. The customer who does not wear a mask may be refused for entrance.
※We may ask you to measure body temperature before entering the venue. Please note that guests with a body temperature above the movie theater’s prescribed body temperature according to infectious disease countermeasures are not allowed to enter.
※Please cooperate with alcohol disinfection when you enter and leave.
※Please keep social distance from the persons in front and behind when you line up, enter and leave.
※Please refrain from talking in the movie theater as much as possible.
※If you feel uncomfortable or get sick in the movie theater, please contact with a staff nearby.
【Request for viewing etiquette】
※When using cheering goods (psyllium, towels, etc.), please be careful not to inconvenience other customers.
(The use of cheering goods that interferes with the viewing of other customers is prohibited.)
※Please refrain from talking during the screening.
※Please wear a mask except when eating or drinking.
(Please follow the rules of each theater for eating and drinking)
※The following actions are prohibited.
・Stand while watching
※Please use the seat you purchased for viewing.