Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 3rd “Echoes of Life” TOUR Live Viewing
羽生結弦 ICE STORY 3rd “Echoes of Life” 巡演 現場直播
2024年12月7日(六)16:00 (香港、台灣時間)
- Movie Theater

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Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 3rd “Echoes of Life” TOUR Live Viewing is confirmed!
Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 3rd “Echoes of Life” TOUR Live Viewing
羽生結弦 ICE STORY 3rd “Echoes of Life” 巡演 現場直播
Saturday, December 7th, 2024 16:00 (HK, TW)
2024年12月7日(六)16:00 (香港、台灣時間)
Movie theaters in Hong Kong and Taiwan
There are no subtitles for this Live Viewing. Thanks for your understanding.
Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 3rd “Echoes of Life” TOUR Official Website / 官方網頁: https://echoesoflife.jp/
Organized by / 主辦:tv asahi / CIC / teamSirius
Distributed by / 發行:Live Viewing Japan Inc.
On his 30th birthday, Yuzuru Hanyu’s ICE STORY Part 3, Echoes of Life
will be broadcast live in cinemas across Hong Kong and Taiwan!
On December 7 (Sat), 2024, the “Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 3rd “Echoes of Life” TOUR” held at Saitama Super Arena will be broadcast live in cinemas Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Following the first installment, “GIFT,” and the second, “RE_PRAY,” Yuzuru Hanyu returns as the star and chief producer for ICE STORY Part 3, Echoes of Life. Kicking off with the Saitama performance on his 30th birthday, December 7 (Sat), the tour will move on to Hiroshima and Chiba. Echoes of Life explores themes of life’s journey and personal growth, questioning the essence of “life” and “living,” and is directed by Hanyu’s longtime collaborator, MIKIKO.
Experience this heartfelt, soul-stirring ice performance on the big screen at your nearest cinema!
《ICE STORY》第三部「Echoes of Life」
2024年12月7日(週六),將在埼玉超級競技場舉行的「Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 第三部 “Echoes of Life” 巡演」將在香港和台灣的電影院進行現場直播。
繼第一部「GIFT」和第二部「RE_PRAY」之後,羽生結弦作為主演和製作總指揮,再次推出第三部ICE STORY作品「Echoes of Life」。此作品將於羽生結弦30歲生日當天,也就是12月7日(週六)的埼玉公演啟動,並接續到廣島和千葉。Echoes of Life 探索了人生旅程與成長的主題,並由羽生結弦的長期合作導演MIKIKO執導,追問「生命」和「生活」的本質。