MacrossF Galaxy Live 2021 “Revenge” Live Streaming

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MacrossF Galaxy Live 2021 “Revenge” Live Streaming confirmed!
MacrossF Galaxy Live 2021 “Revenge” Live Streaming
Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 19:00 Start (JST)
[Live Streaming / 網路直播]
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 18:30 Open|19:00 Start (JST)
◆Archive Streaming period: Wednesday, November 10, 24:00 ~ Thursday, November 11, 23:59 (JST)
◆節目重溫期間: 11月10日(三)24:00 ~ 11月11日(四)23:59(日本時間)
Streaming Media / 網路直播平臺:GLOBE CODING
※You can watch the performance as many times as you like within the archive streaming period.
※Please note that even during viewing (playing), if the archive streaming period is exceeded, it will end halfway.
Ticket Price / 票價:42.99 USD
※A fee will be charged in addition to the above ticket fee.
■Official Website / 官方網站
Planned and Organized by / 主辦:BIG WEST Co., Ltd
Distributed by / 發行:Live Viewing Japan Inc.
”Macross F” Sheryl & Ranka again!
The solo live concert for the first time in 11 years will be streamed live worldwide!!
It is confirmed that “SANKYO presents Macross F Galaxy Live 2021 “REVENGE” 〜Madamada Futari Wa Korekara! Watashitachino Uta Wo Kike!!〜”, which will be held at Makuhari Event Hall (Chiba prefecture) on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, will be live broadcasted to the movie theaters in Japan and streamed live overseas.
“Macross F (Frontier)” is the 25th anniversary commemorative work of the robot anime “Macross” series since 1982. The theatrical movie series “Macross F the Movie 〜Itsuwari no Utahime〜”, “Macross F the Movie 〜Sayonara No Tsubasa〜” are the most popular titles.
The live performance was scheduled to be held in February this year and it will be the first solo live concert in 11 years for “Macross F”. “Sheryl Nome Starring May’n” and “Ranka Lee = Megumi Nakajima” who fascinated the fans at the previous show will be on stage.
This will be the first performance for Sheryl & Ranka to be live streamed worldwide.
It is inevitable that this live streaming will be exciting for “Macross F”, which has many fans not only in Japan but also overseas!
In addition, the long-awaited E-commerce site for overseas Macross series fans will open on Thursday, September 23 (※Japan time)! As the first featured product, the sale of this live streaming ticket has also been decided.
Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy the world of “Macross F” with many impressive songs!
《Macross F》Sheryl & Ranka再臨!
2021年11月10日(三),於Makuhari Event Hall(千葉縣)舉辦的《SANKYO presents Macross F Galaxy Live 2021 “REVENGE” 〜Madamada Futari Wa Korekara! Watashitachino Uta Wo Kike!!〜》將於日本的電影院進行現場直播,並向全世界網路直播。
《Macross F (Frontier)》是2008年播出的,自1982年開始連載機甲系列動漫《Macross》25週年紀念作品。《劇場版Macross F 〜Sayonara No Tsubasa〜》、《劇場版Macross F 〜Itsuwari no Utahime〜》都是首屈一指的人氣内容。
本次直播的公演原定今年2月舉行,也是《超時空要塞F》時隔11年的首次專場演出。由去年《MACROSS CROSSOVER LIVE 2019 at Makuhari Messe》中登台的「Sheryl Nome Starring May’n」和「Ranka Lee = 中島愛」出演。
這次現場直播將是Sheryl & Ranka首次舉行全球網路直播。
對於在日本及海外擁有眾多粉絲的《Macross F》,此次網路直播必將盛況空前!
此外,被海外粉絲期待已久的《Macross》系列電商網站將於9月23日(四)(※日本時間)開放! 網路直播的門票也將作爲作為第一波特色產品開售。
請切勿錯過這次可欣賞《Macross F》世界中衆多令人印象深刻的歌曲的機會!
Venue List/Ticket
【Ticket Sales Period】Overseas: Thursday, September 23, 2021, 22:30 ~ Thursday, November 11, 2021, 21:00 (JST)
※When you purchase a ticket from a ticket agency, various fees may be applied in addition to the ticket fee itself.
※Before purchasing a ticket, please be sure to check whether you have an internet environment / recommended environment suitable for Live Streaming described in each streaming media.
※After you have purchased the ticket, you cannot change it or ask for a refund regardless of the circumstances. Please keep this in mind before applying.
※It is strictly prohibited to take any audio/video/photo with camera, mobile phone or any other devices of the streaming screen. In addition, you may be subject to criminal penalties for uploading and sharing it online without permission.
※Because it is a streaming event, video and audio may be disturbed, and the streaming service may be temporarily interrupted or terminated due to problems with the Internet line or system. The organizer will not be responsible for any problems caused by your Internet conditions or viewing environment. Please note that the ticket fee will not be refunded in those cases.
※You are responsible for all the Internet communication charges resulted from browsing.
※We recommend using Wi-Fi because the volume of the expected amount of data will increase.
※Commercial use such as playing live video at restaurants, halls, etc. is prohibited regardless of whether it is paid or free.
※If you start watching in the middle of the Live Streaming, the video will continue to play from that point and cannot be rewound.
※ 除票價以外,有收取各種手續費的可能。
※ 購票前,請務必根據各直播平臺標明的信息,確認您是否擁有適合觀看各直播平臺的網絡環境/推薦環境。
※ 購票後恕不可由於觀眾個人原因變更或退票。敬請見諒。
※ 嚴禁利用相機、手機等任何器材對直播畫面進行錄音、攝影和拍照。此外,未經授權的於互聯網上傳或分享的行為,有可能受到刑事處罰。
※ 由於是網路節目,在觀賞網路直播時,可能會因為網路線路或系統的問題而導致直播影像或聲音受到干擾,直播有可能暫時中斷或中途結束。對於您網路環境或視聽環境所引起的任何問題,主辦方恕不負責。此種情況,恕不退還票款,敬請諒解。
※ 請自行負擔觀賞時所產生的網路通信費用。
※ 由於可能發生較多數據流量,推薦使用Wi-Fi。
※ 無論付費或是免費,嚴禁在餐飲店、大廳等場所,以商業用途播放直播影像。
※ 從中途開始觀賞網路直播時,影像從觀賞時刻開始播放,無法倒回重放。