寶塚歌劇 月組東京寶塚劇場公演千秋樂
「月城かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)LAST DAY」
Sunday, July 7, 2024 from 12:30 in Hong Kong and Taiwan Time
- Movie Theater

What's New
NEW 17:00 Updated
寶塚歌劇 月組東京寶塚劇場公演千秋樂「月城 かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)LAST DAY」劇場資訊現已公開!
10:30 Updated
寶塚歌劇 月組東京寶塚劇場公演千秋樂「月城 かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)LAST DAY」 決定舉行現場直播!
寶塚歌劇 月組東京寶塚劇場公演千秋樂「月城 かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)LAST DAY」現場直播
Takarazuka Revue Moon Troupe Tokyo Takarazuka Theater Last Performance ‘Kanato Tsukishiro LAST DAY’ Live Broadcast
2024年7月7日(日)12:30 開演(香港、台灣時間)
Sunday, July 7, 2024 from 12:30 in Hong Kong and Taiwan Time
Venue: Movie theaters in Hong Kong and Taiwan
*『Eternal Voice 殘存的思念』以中文字幕呈現
*“Eternal Voice: Lingering Feelings” presented with Chinese subtitles
・It is strictly prohibited to photograph or take any audio/visual records whatsoever in the theaters.
If someone does such a prohibited act, we will delete the data and make him/her leave the theater. Thank you for your cooperation.
・Please note that video and audio may be affected due to the line conditions.
・Please note that the screening might be terminated even before the show ends if the show continues much later than the scheduled end time.
About the Live Broadcast
Based on a request from the Government Task Force following the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we may consider and discuss the holding of the Live Broadcast depending on the situation. Thank you for your understanding.
■Takarazuka Revue Official Site(繁体中文): http://takarazukarevue.tw/
■寶塚歌劇團 台灣官方網頁: https://www.facebook.com/TakarazukaRevue.tw/
Planned and Produced by Takarazuka Creative Arts
Distributed by LIVE VIEWING JAPAN Inc.
©宝塚歌劇団 ©TAKARAZUKA Creative Arts
寶塚歌劇團 月組Top Star月城かなと( Kanato Tsukishiro)的最後舞台
告別秀及退團團員致辭 將於香港及台灣的戲院舉行現場直播!
2024年7月7日(日),於東京寶塚劇場(東京都)上演的寶塚歌劇團 月組Top Star月城かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)的退團公演,「月城かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)LAST DAY」,將於香港及台灣的戲院舉行現場直播!
『Eternal Voice 殘存的思念』是一部融合了黑暗色彩且悲喜交加的充滿娛樂性的音樂劇作品,而『Grande TAKARAZUKA 110!』是對傳統歌舞秀的致敬,以「月」為形象傳達對宏大未來的訊息,以及以寶塚歌劇永恆的主題「愛」和「夢」的樂曲組成的場景等,對永恆的寶塚歌劇表達願望的週年歌舞秀。這兩部作品將會在大銀幕為您呈現!
本次於東京寶塚劇場的最後一場公演,將會是從寶塚歌劇團的月組退團的Top組合月城かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)和海乃美月( Mitsuki Umino)的最後舞台。除了精彩的表演,我們還會送上告別秀和退團成員的致詞。
敬請在附近的戲院欣賞這場由月組Top Star月城かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)集大成的Last Day。
The last stage of Takarazuka Revue Moon Troupe Top Star Kanato Tsukishiro
Including the farewell show and the speeches of the leaving members
will be live broadcasted to movie theaters in Hong Kong and Taiwan!
On Sunday, July 7, 2024, the last stage of Takarazuka Revue Moon Troupe at Tokyo Takarazuka Theater (Tokyo), “Kanato Tsukishiro LAST DAY” will be live broadcasted to movie theaters in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
“Eternal Voice: Lingering Feelings” is an engaging musical production that skillfully blends laughter and pathos within its somber tones. As for the “Grande TAKARAZUKA 110!” show, it serves as a tribute to the eternal Takarazuka Revue, paying homage to traditional revues while also sending a message to the company’s magnificent future, through the motif of the moon. With songs and scenes focusing on the quintessential themes of Takarazuka—love and dreams—, this celebratory revue will serve as a love letter to the immortal Takarazuka Revue. Both of these performances will be delivered to the big screen of the movie theater.
The last performance at the Tokyo Takarazuka Theater will mark the last stage for Kanato Tsukishiro and Mitsuki Umino, the top pair from Takarazuka Revue Moon Troupe.
In addition to the captivating performances, the live broadcast will also feature the farewell show and speeches by leaving members. We invite you to witness Kanato Tsukishiro’s Last Day at a nearby movie theater.
『Eternal Voice 殘存的思念』
編寫、導演/正塚 晴彥
『Grande TAKARAZUKA 110!』
編寫、導演/中村 一德
〈月組〉月城 かなと(Kanato Tsukishiro)、海乃 美月(Mitsuki Umino)、及其他
※【什麼是寶塚歌舞劇?】>>Click Here
Musical Romance
“Eternal Voice: Lingering Feelings”
Written and directed by Haruhiko Masatsuka
Revue Anniversary
“Grande TAKARAZUKA 110!”
Written and directed by Kazunori Nakamura
Takarazuka Revue
〈Moon Troupe〉Kanato Tsukishiro, Mitsuki Umino and more
※【Do you know Takarazuka Revue?】>>Click Here
Venue List/Ticket
Area | Cinema | Ticketing Information |
Ticket on sale (Local Time) |
Hong Kong | Movie Town | Click Here |
June 14 12:00 (Fri) |
Taiwan | Ticket Window VIESHOW Official Website VIESHOW CINEMAS Mobile App |
June 14 12:00 (Fri) | |
※Please notice that you need to be in the local area in order to log in to the cinema's website.